Message created on:
Thursday, December 11, 1997

From:Marco Alanen (
Subject: Re: Strange Sample Problem
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>> There is a program called.... Eh.. Forgot it's name... Anyway.. It >>
can convert MED to ST-format. Later on you can convert ST to ABK by
>>using an Amos converter that comes with the AmosPro_Extensions disk.
>>BUT! Converted ST-modules usually fucks up because they (most of the
>>ones I've converted) switches the filter on and off all the time, so
>>they sound quite awful. Perhaps there is a way to get away from that

>Just use the TRACK LOAD/PLAY commands wih the plain tracker mod, >shuld
work OK.
>They even work on the classic AMOS extension default.

Eh... Sorry about that... Of course you can use the commands
MED LOAD and MED PLAY. Don't really know what I was thinking.


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